Four Divorce Tips For Child-Free Women


Getting a divorce is stressful, even if there are no children or custody agreements to work out. Yet just because there aren't any children involved doesn't mean that your divorce is any easier. The following tips can help you navigate this difficult time.  Tip #1: It's Okay to Hurt As a child-free woman, you may hear comments like, "at least there are no children involved," from well-meaning friends and family. While these comments are meant to comfort and not minimize your feelings, they can still hurt.

5 August 2015

Marriage Involving A House, Car, Money, Or Book Deal? You Need A Pre-Nup!


There's still a stigma attached to getting a prenuptial agreement. Many people think that if you get a pre-nup, that it automatically signifies that you have doubts about the marriage. However, it is important to note that people can get divorced for all sorts of reasons, sometimes owing to the ways in which they will change over the course of their marriage. So no matter what asset may be at stake, be it a house, car, money, or even a book deal, you may need a pre-nup.

6 July 2015

Answering Two Of Your Pressing Divorce Questions


Divorcing from your spouse can be an emotionally traumatic and financially draining process. Not surprisingly, this is a tremendous source of stress, but this stress can be worsened when individuals are uninformed about these legal proceedings. Learning the answers to the following two questions about divorces will help you to be better informed during these proceedings, which can help you to feel less stress and more confidence through these proceedings. 

22 June 2015

Leaving Your Abuser? Three Tips To Keep Safe


When a woman decides to finally leave her abusive husband, she may feel she will be safer, but in actuality, she now faces a 75% increased chance of being killed by her abuser. It can be a very dangerous time for the victim, as the abuser tries desperately to maintain control. Here are some tips to help keep yourself safe once you have left. Secure Order of Protection If you haven't already, get an immediate restraining order.

28 May 2015

Same-Sex Divorce: The Complications Of Trying To File For Divorce In Non-Recognition Of Gay Marriage State


Massachusetts was the first state to grant same-sex couples the right to legally marry in 2004. Since that time, 36 more states have joined in. The remaining 13 United States have same-sex marriage ban laws currently in place. If you are a same-sex couple and you live in one of the remaining 13 states, it could be very difficult for the two of you to file for a divorce. The Residency Requirement for Divorce

10 April 2015

Divorce With A Special Needs Child – How Do You Handle It?


Parenting a child with special needs can be challenging before a divorce, but after, it can bring a whole new level of challenges into your life. The truth is, many marriages fail partially because of the additional challenges of raising a child with special needs. So, now that you are getting, or are, divorced, what do you do? Here, you will learn about creating a parenting plan that can help you and your former spouse provide the best care for your child.

27 March 2015

Is A Lawyer Needed In A Friendly Divorce?


When it comes to many divorces, most individuals wouldn't think twice about getting an attorney as soon as possible. In the midst of a messy divorce and tricky details, going into a courtroom to face the divorce hearing would be like walking into a gunfight holding only a plastic knife. Although in most cases it seems obvious that navigating a divorce without a lawyer would be impossible, are there exceptions? Some individuals who are on good terms with their spouse and have friendly communications with no ill will between them may see no need to get a lawyer, choosing instead to handle the end of the marriage between the two of them.

25 March 2015